Bumicom provides several traffic centers with various communication solutions so that the employees of the traffic centers can perform their tasks as well and efficiently as possible. A traffic control center ensures the safe and smooth handling of traffic around one of our major cities.
For traffic control centers it is important that all telephone, radio, intercom calls, screen operations and projected CCTV images are recorded for the reconstruction of incidents and the evaluation of calamities. The traffic center concerned by this case was looking for a business partner who could provide them with hybrid recording systems. Due to the extensive knowledge of Bumicom and the large number of possibilities that we can offer our clients, we have entered into a successful partnership with the traffic control center.
For our client it is very important that all recordings over the different channels can be visualized and played synchronously over time. A time synchronous reproduction of the recordings creates a complete picture of an incident, also from the operator's perspective. There was also a need from the client for an emergency button with which all recordings surrounding an incident are automatically archived for the longer term.
After an extensive analysis of the requirements, a tailor-made solution was developed together with the client for the traffic control center in which all aspects that the client considers important have a place.
Curious about other Bumicom success stories? View our other cases here.
Would you like to know which communication solutions Bumicom can offer your organization? Get in touch with us directly. We would be happy to discuss with you how we can be of service to you and how we can offer you the best possible solution.